
Cannot create Reflectance map on PUS and PPUS

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Describe the bug
When the user chooses to create a reflectance map, the plug-in finds no coverage. The same is true for both Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2. This APi is available over all areas where Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 satellite images are available.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the Geosys plug-in coverage parameters
  2. Select a field in the US area
  3. Choose the map type Reflectance
  4. Choose a start date and en date
  5. Click on the Search button

Call on postman side to reproduce the issue :
POSt {{url_GeosysAPI}}/field-level-maps/v4/catalog-imagery?$limit=20&$count=false&Image.Date=%24gte%3A2020-01-01&CoverageType=CLEAR
"Geometry": "MultiPolygon (((-97.90658186497749682 48.25181147868671871, -97.90622533558200757 48.25066404225243133, -97.90432384547266054 48.25066404225243133, -97.90438326703856831 48.25102014597013067, -97.90331367885207214 48.25102014597013067, -97.90331367885207214 48.24563875873241869, -97.91389071758528928 48.24571790088248946, -97.91371245288752334 48.25161364665562758, -97.91365303132161557 48.2516927795599031, -97.91365303132161557 48.25181147868671871, -97.90658186497749682 48.25181147868671871)))",
"Crop": {
"Id": "CORN"
"SowingDate": "2021-01-01"

Expected behavior
No matter where the field is located, and whether a sentinel or Landsat 8 or landsat 9 image is available, the user should be able to create the reflectance map.

