
Windows 10 64-bit running python 3.8.5 cannot install earthpy, geopandas and rasterio

JLanghoff opened this issue · 4 comments

Dear all

Having trouble installing: Running Windows 10, 64-bit with python 3.8.5 cannot install earthpy, geopandas and rasterio from the neither conda nor conda-forge channels. Have tried running the Anaconda Prompt with and without administrator - same frozen solve result.

Hope you can help.

Best from Denmark

Jesper Heidemann Langhoff
Adjunkt Ph.d., cand.scient. & fotojournalist pba.
University College Copenhagen
Institute for Læreruddannelse

Same problem with macbook version 10.12.6 running python 3.8.1.

Solution: on windows 10 I used miniconda3 in administrator anaconda prompt using conda-forge channel. Apparently the conflict is in anacondas many default libraries.

Please comment if other explanations make more sence. I'm still new in python (one month).

Best from Denmark

hi @JLanghoff !! my apologies for being so slow to respond. i suspected it was an envt issue. Essentially mixing channels can be dangerous. we always suggest using miniconda (base install) and then conda forge for ALL things that you install to avoid those issues. Your approach above sounds spot on! i will close this BUT if you still have i ssues feel free to reopen. What i was going to look at was your envt -- outputs of

conda info and
conda list

conda list would tell me if you're mixing channels already in your install!!