
[Question]: GlobalFilter : after pipeline is no Required in the document description , But it's actually Required,

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Your question

after pipeline is no Required in the document description,

But it's actually Required,

Actually I just need before pipeline

wyatt@wyatt-VirtualBox:~/code/api/regs$ echo '
> name: globalFilter-example
> kind: GlobalFilter
> beforePipeline:
>   flow: 
>   - filter: validator
>   filters: 
>   - name: validator
>     kind: Validator 
> ' | egctl object create
Error: 400: {"jsonschemaErrs":["afterPipeline: Must validate one and only one schema (oneOf)","afterPipeline.filters: Invalid type. Expected: array, given: null"]}

hi @wj-stack , I think this issue has already been fixed in #798 and I cannot reproduce it, the fix will be included in the next release. For now, please build from the main branch.