
:lock: Simple zero-config SSL reverse proxy for Tailscale users (LetsEncrypt certs)

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Simple single-command SSL reverse proxy for Tailscale

A handy way to add Tailscale SSL support to your locally running thing -- be it your personal jupyter notebook, nodejs app or any other http application.

tailscale-ssl-proxy uses the official Tailscale go package to get trusted LetsEncrypt SSL certs and then proxies HTTPS traffic to your existing HTTP server in a single command. tailscale-ssl-proxy also redirects unencrypted HTTP traffic on port 80 to HTTPS.


Download the latest version of tailscale-ssl-proxy using the installer script in the github release:

# Install the correct binary to ./bin
curl -L https://github.com/eastlondoner/tailscale-ssl-proxy/releases/download/v0.0.6/install-tailscale-ssl-proxy.sh | sh -s

The installer script will fetch the latest tailscale-ssl-proxy binary for your OS and place it in ./bin/tailscale-ssl-proxy

To use tailscale-ssl-proxy from anyhwere you now need to add it to your PATH:

For most linux-based systems including Mac OS

Move the binary to /usr/local/bin

# Move the binary to /usr/local/bin
mv ./bin/tailscale-ssl-proxy /usr/local/bin

For Windows systems

TBC - need to figure out what the instructions for Windows systems are


# Listening on [::]:443
# Listening on [::]:80
# Proxying calls from https://:443 (SSL/TLS) to http://localhost:8080
# Redirecting http requests on :80 to https on port :443

This will immediately fetch, real LetsEncrypt certificates for the machine's Tailscale address.


Print usage using the -help option

tailscale-ssl-proxy -help
Usage of tailscale-ssl-proxy
  -from string
    	the tcp address and port this proxy should listen for requests on (default ":443")
  -redirectHTTP string
    	the tcp address and port this proxy should listen for http->https request redirects. Set to 'off' to disable http->https redirect (default ":80")
  -to string
    	the address and port for which to proxy requests to (default "http://localhost:8080")


The ssl certificate files (including the private key) are written to the current working directory as cert.pem and key.pem - that is the behaviour of the tailscale client. The private key is sensitive use at your own risk.


Proxy to port 3000 (instead of 8080)

tailscale-ssl-proxy -to :3000
# Listening on [::]:443
# Listening on [::]:80
# Proxying calls from https://:443 (SSL/TLS) to http://localhost:3000
# Redirecting http requests on :80 to https on port :443

Disable HTTP -> HTTPS Redirect

tailscale-ssl-proxy -redirectHTTP off
# Listening on [::]:443
# Proxying calls from https://:443 (SSL/TLS) to http://localhost:8080

Simply include the -redirectHTTP flag when running the program.

Serve https on port 8443 (instaead of 443)

tailscale-ssl-proxy -from
# Listening on [::]:8443
# Listening on [::]:80
# Proxying calls from (SSL/TLS) to http://localhost:8080
# WARN: You must serve on port :443 for the LetsEncrypt certs that tailscale uses to be valid
# Redirecting http requests on :80 to https on port :8443

Simply include the -redirectHTTP flag when running the program.

Build from source

Build from source using Docker

You can build tailscale-ssl-proxy for all platforms quickly using the included Docker configurations.

If you have docker-compose installed you can use the ./docker-make script:

./docker-make build

That will build a binary for your local system and place it in the root directory.

Build from source locally

You must have Golang installed on your system along with make. Then simply clone the repository and run make.


Forked from ssl-proxy by Suyash Kumar