
EasyDiffusion crashes on Arch Linux, when an image is near completion (Endeavor OS, AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 7840U)

PhoenixBlade24 opened this issue · 16 comments

Upon attempting to render an image with a resolution of 832x1280, it nears completion (approximately 1-2 minutes left) and then crashes. The UI is loaded through Firefox, and the 2x ESRGAN option is toggled as well. A LORA is used also. This happens frequently, with only a few images successfully rendering without issue after further restarts.

  • OS: Endeavor OS
  • Browser: Firefox 126.0
  • Version: 3.0
  • Hardware: AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 7840U (with Radeon 780m graphics) and 32GB DDR5 RAM

Attempted to use the Brave Browser's Nightly branch for Easy Diffusion. Another issue where rendering stops near the end, with this error message. Stable Diffusion then stops entirely, but does not crash.

Hi @PhoenixBlade24 What are the logs on the terminal window? Thanks

@cmdr2 Unfortunately no terminal appears when running Easy Diffusion. It simply opens the GUI in my primary browser, be it Firefox or Brave.

@PhoenixBlade24 How are you starting Easy Diffusion? Aren't you running ./start.sh from a terminal to start it?

@cmdr2 No, I simply click on the start.sh script and it opens up.

@cmdr2 Although upon attempting to start it via the terminal, the GUI loads and this error appears.

ERROR: [Errno 98] error while attempting to bind on address ('', 9000): address already in use
terminate called without an active exception
[143555:143555:0529/102328.157256:ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(260)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 times!
[143555:143555:0529/102328.158962:ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(260)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 2 times!
[143555:143555:0529/102330.598466:ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(260)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 3 times!

@PhoenixBlade24 address already in use - please close the other instances of Easy Diffusion.


  1. Open a terminal
  2. Type cd /path/to/EasyDiffusion and press enter (i.e. change this to your ED folder's path)
  3. Type ./start.sh and press enter

After that, please try to generate an image, and if it fails, please copy/paste the logs from the terminal window. Thanks!

@cmdr2 All instances are closed. When the GUI loads in the error always seems to appear, even when nothing else is running.

Even when all browser cookies are erased, the issue persists. It's very odd.

@cmdr2 I will also state that Easy Diffusion seems to be running in CPU-mode, after checking the options page. Although my APU does have built-in graphics, it seem Easy Diffusion is unable to use it.

@cmdr2 I restarted my PC and tried again. This time the error did not appear, and I managed to successfully render one 512 x 512 image, and one 896 x 1280 image. However, upon trying to render a second 896 x 1280 image, Easy Diffusion once again crashed, including the terminal.

Is it closing the terminal window also? Even if you start your own terminal window, and run ./start.sh?

It's hard to tell the reason for the crash without the logs, is there any way you can record the terminal window before it crashes?

Unfortunately, no.

I think this is one area where an Appimage and a built-in GUI would greatly improve. Everybody's PC is different, but at least then you would have more consistency and could pinpoint problems more easily. I could be wrong, of course.

@cmdr2 I can now confirm that when the browser crashes, the terminal simply writes "Terminated" at the bottom. No error message of any kind seems to appear. The browser instance crashes most often just prior to completion, or upon starting another render.

I wonder if your PC is running out of system RAM? I know 32 GB should be enough, but I've seen that particular error on Linux for users when Linux kills the process to avoid going out of system RAM.

Can you please try adding some more swap space? Thanks