
mapio.net: notifications

Opened this issue · 0 comments

List the website(s) you're having issues with:


What happens?

After clicking any of the greens buttons notifications are offered.


Filter lists you're using:

uBlock Origin: 1.61.2
Firefox: 133
filterset (summary):
 network: 159349
 cosmetic: 132785
 scriptlet: 31807
 html: 2488
listset (total-discarded, last-updated):
  block-lan: 64-0, 1h.33m
  curben-phishing: 623-0, 1h.33m
  fanboy-cookiemonster: 52241-194, 1h.33m
  ublock-cookies-easylist: 1959-6, 1h.33m
  fanboy-social: 16524-11, 1h.33m
  easylist-annoyances: 4722-46, 1h.33m
  easylist-chat: 217-0, 1h.33m
  easylist-newsletters: 8328-41, 1h.33m
  easylist-notifications: 3467-163, 1h.33m
  ublock-annoyances: 5881-54, 1h.47m
  dpollock-0: 11715-338, 1h.33m
  user-filters: 0-0, never
  ublock-filters: 41204-134, 1h.33m
  ublock-badware: 12392-1, 1h.47m
  ublock-privacy: 1610-22, 1h.33m
  ublock-unbreak: 2593-1, 1h.33m
  ublock-quick-fixes: 220-6, 1h.47m
  easylist: 77998-223, 1h.33m
  easyprivacy: 53299-72, 1h.33m
  urlhaus-1: 22875-0, 1h.33m
  plowe-0: 3540-1359, 1h.33m
  DEU-0: 7820-41, 1h.33m
filterset (user): [empty]
 added: [array of 1 redacted]
 advancedUserEnabled: true
hiddenSettings: [none]

Your settings:

  • OS/version: Windows 10
  • Browser/version: Firefox latest
  • Ad block extension/version: uBlock latest

Other details: