
Fix vignette build failures

IndrajeetPatil opened this issue · 1 comments

As seen in pkgdown workflow:

Reading vignettes/efa_cfa.Rmd
Error in `map()`:In index: 3.
Caused by error in `render_rmarkdown()`:
! Failed to render RMarkdown document.Quitting from lines 185-188 [unnamed-chunk-8] (efa_cfa.Rmd)
Caused by error:
! in callr subprocess.
Caused by error:
! numbers of columns of arguments do not match
Backtrace:1. ├─base::plot(n)
 2. ├─parameters:::plot.n_factors(n)
 3. ├─base::NextMethod()
 4. └─see:::plot.see_n_factors(n)
 5.   ├─see::data_plot(x, data = data, type = type)
 6.   └─see:::data_plot.n_factors(x, data = data, type = type)
 7.     └─base::rbind(s1, s2[!s2[[var]] %in% s1[[var]], ])
 8.       └─base::rbind(deparse.level, ...)
Execution halted

These should be already fixed, but require current dev versions of performance and see