
excelent (hn brought me here)

cekvenich opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm sure you know you are on home page of hacker news :-).

And I love this idea and plan to use it. I'd love an even simpler tutorial.

How can I help?

a step by step tutorial or out of box demo ? The example can not run.

  1. Thanks, A lot - The Idea is super cool! :)
  • Btw if you have a green project, without any dependency on an old projects, you still go with this approach?
  1. The example doesn't work @eavichay
  2. try to build and run also each app separately and get an error on build:
  • in react app I got:
    **Failed to compile.

Line 8:15: 'AppContext' is not defined no-undef

Search for the keywords to learn more about each error.**

  1. in angular app error such:
    **ERROR in node_modules/@angular-redux/store/components/ng-redux.d.ts(10,31): error TS2420: Class 'NgRedux' incorrectly implements interface 'ObservableStore'.
    Property '[Symbol.observable]' is missing in type 'NgRedux' but required in type 'ObservableStore'.

ℹ 「wdm」: Failed to compile.**

I'll check out the examples and see why they don't work. I use the examples in live sessions/talks (as-is). Can you specify the node version you're working with?
Also, in order for this to work, you cannot browse to any of the dev-server except of the shell. The AppContext object exists only on the shell and is injected to the other applications - they are not standalone anymore.

Node v 14.0, latest one