
Make better use of stream options

Closed this issue · 3 comments

set_stream/2, has a nice set of options I initially overlooked. These options can be utilized to simplify and make the bot more robust and easier to work with. The documentation is available at: http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/doc_for?object=set_stream/2.

A few options that caught my attention were:
* timeout(Seconds), which is interesting because this could eliminate the need to have a message queue waiting for activity with its own timeout specifications. I haven't implemented this yet, since the intended behavior in this regard is relatively stable. So proper testing of continued functionality needs to be ensured before I swap out the original implementation with this option.

  • buffer_size(+Size), which can potentially aid the bot in limiting the amount it processes at any given point in time.
  • line_position(LinePos), which can have obvious applications with respect to state and decision making in various extensions.

On second thought, these are probably better to integrate in library(irc_client).

List has been updated to reflect changes I've recently made in library(irc_client).

v1.2.0 of irc_client has corralled enough of the necessary implementation to take care of this issue by momentum.