
can't reproduce search results

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I never get the same amount of search results when I search manually no matter what parameter I pass.

     :params '(("s" . "rx590")
	       ("location" . "ebay")
	       ("buynow" . "false"))

If I search that as example I get 29 results (I assume more but that would be page1?) but if I search only auctions and ebay germany I only get 5 results.

I also get 29 results if I set location to regional. I am not sure but the server of you is in poland so is that the location? I can't believe that there are only 5 rx590 in germany but >28 in Poland.

So what are the fixed parameters that server runs on? I even meant I saw somewhere ebay.de in the sourcecode, which would imply that it would be my region.

Well even when I pick worldwide on the website I only get 7 results that are auction, when I set buynow . false that should be "auction only" or not?