
Error when renew certificate

PSfreak opened this issue · 0 comments

I got a error

I can see that there is nothing in C:\projects\acmesharp\ACMESharp\ACMESharp.Vault\Util\EntityD

This is the error :

Somebody have an idea for that ?

Attempting to renew Let's Encrypt certificate for autodiscover.xxxxxx.xxx Generating certificate for exchange.xxxxxx.xxx Let's Encrypt certificate renewal for autodiscover.xxxxxx.xxx failed with exception

Message : The given key was not present in the dictionary.
Data : {}
InnerException :
TargetSite : Void ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
StackTrace : at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.get_Item(TKey key) at ACMESharp.Vault.Util.EntityDictionary1.get_Item(String key) in C:\projects\acmesharp\ACMESharp\ACMESharp.Vault\Util\EntityD
ictionary.cs:line 48
at ACMESharp.Vault.Util.EntityDictionary`1.GetByRef(String entityRef, Boolean throwOnMissing, TEntity def) in C:\projects\acmes
harp\ACMESharp\ACMESharp.Vault\Util\EntityDictionary.cs:line 97
at ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate.ProcessRecord() in C:\projects\acmesharp\ACMESharp\ACMESharp.POSH\NewCertificate.cs:line 186
at System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessor.ProcessRecord()
HelpLink :
Source : mscorlib
HResult : -2146232969