
Update-ACMEIdentifier returns invalid status for ChallengeType http-01 using iis Handler

shahasachin opened this issue · 0 comments

I followed steps provided Wiki quick start guide (power shell command) but when we execute Update-ACMEIdentifier commad it returns invalid status.


  1. Set the mime type for "." to "text/plain" for acme-challenge application in iis
  2. Execute Import-Module ACMESharp, Import-Module ACMESharp\ACMESHARP-iis, Initialize-ACMEVault, New-ACMERegistration, New-ACMEIdentifier -Dns -Alias commands
  3. Execute Complete-ACMEChallenge -ChallengeType http-01 -Handler iis -HandlerParameters @{ WebSiteRef = 'Default Web Site' }. Noticed that it automatically changes the mime type to "text/json" for acme-challenge application but generated challenge file is not in the json format it is plain text format, I think hence it is returning invalid status.

I am following Wiki->Quick Start link.