Missing ChallangeHandler
simonwhill opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi I've been trying to automate the renewal of my ADFS certificate using a script from https://github.com/jeremymcgee73/PowershellScripts/blob/master/New-ADFSLetsEncryptCert/New-ADFSLetsEncryptCert.ps1
But the issue I have is that I dont seem to have any DNS handlers I just have 1 and thats the manual one.
PS C:\Scripts> Get-ACMEChallengeHandlerProfile -ListChallengeHandlers manual
i have done the following
Install-Module -Name ACMESharp.Providers.DNSMadeEasy
Enable-ACMEExtensionModule ACMESharp.Providers.DNSMadeEasy
import-module ACMESharp.Providers.DNSMadeEasy `
But i still cant get the list to show DNSME in the list.
Can anyone help i have the following version installed on a Windows server 2016 instance
`PS C:\Scripts> Get-Module ACMESharp | select Version
Hi Simon, what version of Windows and PowerShell are you using?
I was able to reproduce your issue on a recent version of Windows Server (2019) and Windows PowerShell (5.1). I'm not sure why this happens, but after you enable the extension modules, you'll need to exit out and restart your PowerShell session, after that you should see the updated list of handlers other than manual
I'm going to leave this issue open to remind me (or others) to investigate why enabling the extension module doesn't immediately update the list of handlers.