
Add CI environment for bulk Expression Atlas in GCP k8s cluster

Opened this issue · 2 comments

ke4 commented

Take the scripts in prepare-dev-environment in bulk Expression Atlas and add a set of K8s manifests to create a pre-populated SolrCloud cluster and experiment design volumes, etc. to run CI tests in bulk and atlas-web-core.

In the repository https://github.com/ebi-gene-expression-group/atlas-k8s-ci-environment create a directory that contains all the bulk YAML files and a README.md with instructions.

ke4 commented

We started to add the Jenkins config files with @alfonsomunozpomer .
Here is the PR: #158

ke4 commented

I started to add the yaml config files for gxa-data and gxa-solrcloud in https://github.com/ebi-gene-expression-group/atlas-k8s-ci-environment repository.
Here is the PR: [Chore] Create CI env in Jenkins for bulk Expression Atlas in GCP k8s cluster #3