
Remove dependency on `golang.org/x/sys`

david50407 opened this issue · 19 comments

Operating System

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  • FreeBSD
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What feature would you like to be added?

Remove dependency on golang.org/x/sys. Aim to be zero dependencies.

Why is this needed?

The discussion was started from Discord chat: https://discord.com/channels/842049801528016967/1123106378731487345/1275998637826248744

For now, the only dependency is golang.org/x/sys.

If we can remove the dependency, we can embed purego into more situation like Golang toolchain.

Currently I'm working on a go fork and try to introduce our own C lib into Go toolchain, if purego can have zero dependencies, we can import the C lib without CGO (instead, use purego for sure). But in the toolchain, dependency chain has limitation that golang.org/x/sys is not allowed to be here. :(

@david50407 Please try 5905af50730466425f56454a0491ae991d644beb

My partner (@platypusguy) and I are working on a large and complex Go project that is being amended to access JVM library functions. It runs on Linux, Unix, MacOS, and Windows. It would be very helpful if we only had to deal with a single generic purego API set (Dlopen, Dlclose, etc.).

Is a single purego API set one of the goals of this issue?

It would be very helpful if we only had to deal with a single generic purego API set (Dlopen, Dlclose, etc.).

This is a different topic from this issue. The answer is we don't plan to do that, since Windows doesn't have dl* functions.

Is a single purego API set one of the goals of this issue?

For the explanation why see #107

I am in agreement with the points made by both @RomainMuller and @platypusguy in PR #192. APIs should not burden the user with O/S specifics wherever possible.

Reference: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/ebitengine/purego

"Supported Platforms" states that the APIs are supported on the listed platforms with the exception of a ARM32 and Windows-32 environments. However, the "Example" states that the APIs only work on POSIX systems contradicts the stated intents.

It would be helpful if an equivalent example for Windows was provided. Then, users would have some guidance without having to engage in significant trial-and-error activity.

My goal is to be able to open and use a Java library Windows, Linux, Unix, and MacOS on 64-bit hardware platforms. I'll take care with providing the full paths. The dlfcn concept & code of @RomainMuller will be useful to me in modifying my own work.

@texadactyl This is an offtopic. Please consider to create a thread at the discussions if you want.

It would be helpful if an equivalent example for Windows was provided.

See https://github.com/ebitengine/purego/tree/main/examples/libc

Sorry for the late. I've tried the version you metioned.

Once I add purego as dependency of golang toolchain 1.22.5 and build the toolchain.
It failes the test of dependency version consistent, it says that requires x/sys v0.15.0 but we are providing v0.23.0 which purego depends on in go.mod. : (

So I think if we want to embed purego into the toolchain, we have to remove the dependency in go.mod directly.
And I know that will be a problem because examples are using x/sys. Do we have any other way to remove this dependency from go.mod and keep examples works well?

edit: I think that's why MS load libraries by calling syscall.NewLazyDLL directly in their go-crypto-winnative project, they need to avoid the dependency to x/sys directly

Once I add purego as dependency of golang toolchain 1.22.5 and build the toolchain.
It failes the test of dependency version consistent, it says that requires x/sys v0.15.0 but we are providing v0.23.0 which purego depends on in go.mod. : (

What kind of commands did you execute? I'd like to know the details.

edit: I think that's why MS load libraries by calling syscall.NewLazyDLL directly in their go-crypto-winnative project, they need to avoid the dependency to x/sys directly

NewLazyDLL and NewLazySystemDLL are slightly different in terms of security. Let me think.. Probably I'd have to immitate NewLazySystemDLL's behavior. (LoadLibraryEx + appropriate flags?)

What kind of commands did you execute? I'd like to know the details.

Here's the steps I took:

  1. Add purego to my module A with go get github.com/ebitengine/purego@5905af50730466425f56454a0491ae991d644beb
  2. Add some usage into module A, to simpify the process, I copied the example code into the init function, like this:
package module_a

import (

func init() {
	libc, err := purego.Dlopen("/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib", purego.RTLD_NOW|purego.RTLD_GLOBAL)
	if err != nil {
	var puts func(string)
	purego.RegisterLibFunc(&puts, libc, "puts")
	puts("Calling C from Go with purego!")
  1. Add module A into golang toolchain 1.22.5 with go get private.pkgs/module_a@commitid, and get the output:
go: downloading private.pkgs/module_a v0.1.0-alpha.3.0.20240828062439-2e1170466358
go: added github.com/ebitengine/purego v0.8.0-alpha.5
go: upgraded private.pkgs/module_a v0.1.0-alpha.3.0.20240815033454-aa6aed5d72d1 => v0.1.0-alpha.3.0.20240828062439-2e1170466358
go: upgraded golang.org/x/sys v0.15.0 => v0.23.0
  1. Add some calls to module A into go/src/crypto/internal
  2. Run go mod vendor, get a wired error:
go: std/crypto/tls imports
	golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 imports
	golang.org/x/sys/cpu: missing go.sum entry for module providing package golang.org/x/sys/cpu (imported by golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305); to add:
	go get golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305@v0.16.1-0.20231129163542-152cdb1503eb
  1. Run go get golang.org/x/sys/cpu to get missing dependencies, and re-run go mod vendor:
go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.24.0
go: upgraded golang.org/x/sys v0.23.0 => v0.24.0
  1. Build the toolchain with bash make.bash
  2. Run the test from toolchain with bash run.bash --no-rebuild, and get the output with this (skipped some output):
--- FAIL: TestDependencies (1.46s)
    deps_test.go:765: unexpected dependency: github.com/ebitengine/purego imports [errors fmt github.com/ebitengine/purego/internal/cgo github.com/ebitengine/purego/internal/fakecgo github.com/ebitengine/purego/internal/strings math reflect runtime runtime/cgo sync syscall unsafe]
    deps_test.go:765: unexpected dependency: github.com/ebitengine/purego/internal/cgo imports [C errors unsafe]
    deps_test.go:765: unexpected dependency: github.com/ebitengine/purego/internal/fakecgo imports [syscall unsafe]
    deps_test.go:765: unexpected dependency: github.com/ebitengine/purego/internal/strings imports [unsafe]
    deps_test.go:765: unexpected dependency: private.pkgs/module_a imports [github.com/ebitengine/purego]
FAIL	go/build	2.835s
--- FAIL: TestDependencyVersionsConsistent (0.00s)
    moddeps_test.go:415: Modules within GOROOT require different versions of golang.org/x/sys.
    moddeps_test.go:427: std	requires v0.24.0
    moddeps_test.go:427: cmd	requires v0.15.0
FAIL	cmd/internal/moddeps	4.626s

For the TestDependencies, I can solve the problem by add rules for importing purego.
But for the TestDependencyVersionsConsistent, Go complains that golang.org/x/sys must be consistent (to v0.15.0)

Hmm, I understood that you have modified the Go toolchain by yourself and the toolchain has some tricky things to resolve dependencies. Thank you for elaborating!

I'll modify the example not to use golang.org/x/sys tonight, preserving the current behavior or adding comments to explain that usually NewLazySystemDLL is preferrable.

@hajimehoshi thank you so much!

I'm confused. It looks like the error you are getting isn't related to not being able to import the sys package but that you have differing versions.

I'd like to know why std/crypto imports an outdated version of golang.org/x/sys and why you can't just update its version to match purego's?

@TotallyGamerJet the version of golang.org/x/sys is not decided by me, it's declared from original golang source, I'm not sure if I upgrades the version won't break something inside Go


You're already using your own forked version of Go seems like things could easily break for other reasons.

Update and run the test suite. I'm sure it would find most issues if there was one

@TotallyGamerJet upgrading x/sys may cause issues.

Althought I can run the test suite to find out the issues and fix them, but it is not a reasonable work while purego is not using x/sys anymore, but I still have to upgrade x/sys and facing potential issues that doesn't bring any benifit.

Updating just for the sake of updating doesn't make sense, right?

Even though this is not an ideal solution, I'm fine to remove the dependency on golang.org/x/sys from this repository including the example.

@TotallyGamerJet what do you think?

I don't like removing it from the examples but I goes it's fine

I don't prefer this solution either. However, I understand that, in very special cases like modifying the Go toolchain with Pure Go, an extra dependency in go.mod could be a problem.

As a bonus, removing all the dependencies from go.mod might be good for marketing. We can assert that Pure Go is zero-dependency. For example, Wazero says so. Technically it is possible to say the core part is zero-dependency even with some dependencies in go.mod, and actually the current Pure Go is. So, this is just a 'marketing' thing.