
Fill Zenodo Metadata from e.g. yaml file

rkrug opened this issue · 2 comments

rkrug commented

I can export the Zenodo Metadata into different formats using myrec$exportAs("BibTeX", filename = "myfilename"), but I did not find the opposite, i.e. import the Zenodo Metadata from a file and load it into the record, i.e. myrec$importFrom( filename = "myfilename").

  1. it would be great to have the possibility to import metadata stored in a file, e.g. one can create a template containing specific info, and add additional metadata afterwards.
  2. this would also make it possible, to edit the metadata outside R with a text editor
  3. would it be possible to add yaml as an export (and import) format, as yaml is very easy to read and edit



@rkrug just to clarify, the exportAs function is an extended feature from zen4R, but that is not based on the Zenodo API methods, but partly exploits the Zenodo web-site resources. Hence, the business logic used to export is not handled by zen4R, but done by Zenodo itself. Similarly, zen4R doesn't have any importing business logic to map an input format (eg. BibTeX, Dublin core XML, etc) to the Zenodo Record model. This goes a bit beyond the scope of zen4R but indeed would be a very nice feature for the future.

Maybe the citation class from our checklist package might be relevant. Currently it reads citation meta data from bookdown yaml, a package DESCRIPTION or a README.md (assuming it follows some rules about the format). We could add a method to handle text files with as yaml format.

You can export the citation class to a .Zenodo.json file. Or use checklist::bookdown_zenodo() to upload a bookdown to Zenodo. The function is currently defunct as it was based on the old Zenodo API. I'm working on an updated version based on zen4R 0.10. I'll present it at useR!2024.