
Code Review 08/01/19

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Readability and Formatting
Organization and Modularity
Standard Library/Conventions
Effectiveness of Solution

Well Done! The resources at the top of the analysis were very useful in understanding the structure and the contents of the project. I can see the steps you took to format and get understanding from the dataset.

Lines of code in your project are always short and terse. The added comments are significant and effective.

The code for the distribution plot has some semantic variables that make it easier to begin understanding what is being done. However, a comment above the for loop describing what it produces would be helpful:

for i, colu_val in enumerate(colu_names):
    sns.distplot(num_df[colu_val], hist=True, ax=ax[i])
    ax[i].set_title('Freq dist '+colu_val, fontsize=10)
    ax[i].set_xlabel(colu_val, fontsize=8)
    ax[i].set_ylabel('Count', fontsize=8)

The significant use of standard libraries such as pandas and matplotlib shows your research. The code in your project is simplified. The functions have clear and different responsibilities (Mastery- Standard Library/ Conventions)ⁱ.

Thus far this project seems to be in progress to answer the first question "Is there a correlation between the suicide rate and different generations" due to the continuous organization of the data frame.

ⁱThe description of the standard library usage is from Code Review Rubric.