Simple Todolist deployed on KinD

Running KinD locally with a local registry

Since I don't have a container registry online, I had to use a local registry. To enable the local registry and run KinD, simply run the following script/command:

sh kind/

Building the Docker Container

Simply run:

docker build -t localhost:5000/todolist:latest .
docker push localhost:5000/todolist:latest

Installing the Postgresql Helm Chart

helm repo add bitnami
helm install my-postgresql bitnami/postgresql --version 14.3.1 --set auth.database=todo

Installing the Custom HelmChart


Install the crd for server-monitor and prometheus-rules.

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Install Helm Chart

helm install my-todo todolist/

Exposing the port

 kubectl port-forward services/my-todo-todolist 8080:8080


I couldn't run act locally due to some issues with their docker registry, so I couldn't run the Github Actions workflow locally.