
Re-write the deployment script according to Trust's Supplementary Report recommendations

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Trust Security reviewed the current state of our deployment script and recommended re-writing it in a simplified and up to date manner as explained on their report: Supplementary_Report_Draft.pdf

The current deployment script is the result of adapting Liquity's implementation and, for that reason, contains multiple features and sections that no longer apply to us. For example, setting the addresses for each deployment (wiring), setting up the Uni pool atomically, LGTY staking, etc... Additionally, we decided to deploy deterministically through a custom CREATE3 contract in order to be able to hardcode the system's addresses. For these reason, it will be better to re-write the deployment script from scratch.

@dapp-whisperer already opened a tacking ticket here #451
BTW, @sajanrajdev seems the report is from RiskDAO, not Trust Security

Closing as duplicate of #451