
Premium Fuzz Tests

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| L-03 | As a reward for their service, the liquidator receives a percentage of the CDP's collateral, ranging from 3% to 10%. Additionally, the liquidator also receives a "Gas Stipend" of 0.2 stETH. The liquidator will always recieve 3% minimum bonus of collateral versus debt returned. However, they only get the 0.2 stETH stipend in a full liquidation. For a partial liquidation, only the % bonus is recieved based on the debt value returned. I'll actually need to check what happens if the CDP is below 3% ICR. I'd also clarify that the stipend is not strictly 0.2 stETH. It is stored as shares within the system upon opening of the CDP and therefore will differ based on rebases, and this can be checked through cdpManager.getCdpLiquidatorRewardShares(cdpId) | Unit Tests | |

| L-07 | Gas compensation per liquidated CDP is given by the formula: Full liquidation Gas compensation = max(1.03, min(ICR, 1.1)) + Gas Stipend, Partial liquidation Gas compensation = max(1.03, min(ICR, 1.1)) | Unit Tests | |

@rayeaster can you confirm the fuzz suite you wrote handles this?