
๐Ÿ› CLI creates empty notes

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Some of the note render as blank. This happens for all the the class notes and some other notes. The class notes give an error message within Obsidian. The other notes that render blank, don't give any error, but are just empty.

I followed all the steps from the obisidian ttrpg youtube tutorials. I have rerun the CLI proces multiple times, so I expected the notes to be filled with the correct information.

I have been able to run the CLI proces without any errors from the start so I'm unable to determine by myself in which step of the proces something went wrong.


  • OS: Windows
  • CLI version: 2.3.0
  • CLI type: Native Command Prompt


  • enabled sources: DMG, PHB, MM, LMoP
  • I use the templates that come with the CLI

CLI Output Log.txt
I have attached the output generated with the log option and the configuration file I use.
Schermafbeelding 2024-04-13 123017
Schermafbeelding 2024-04-13 123615
I have also attached images from the errors and the faulty notes in Obisidian.

note: you should not need to specify the default templates anymore.

If you view them in source mode, they're also empty?