
AttributeError: module 'pandas._libs.tslibs.parsing' has no attribute 'parse_time_string' Wrong step or date format in XML settings file Input 02/01/1990 06:00

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Sir/ Madam,

While running any of the test case of LISFLOOD model in LINUX terminal, I am getting the error attached in this comment. Due to this error, I am unable to run the test cases in my machine.

Please help me out at the earliest.

Screenshot from 2023-04-25 07-28-41
Screenshot from 2023-04-25 07-41-50

doc78 commented

As on the previous issue, please provide further info about the problem (lisflood version, XML file).
Please provide here also the versions of the installed packages in your environment (by typing "pip list")

Running into the same issue.

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Python: 3.9.16
Git Commit: 4d1f2ed (lisflood-model)

Installed Libraries

cython                    0.29.35                  pypi_0    pypi
dask                      2023.5.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
dask-core                 2023.5.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
gdal                      3.6.4            py39h5a35a9c_3    conda-forge
netcdf4                   1.6.3           nompi_py39h369ccc5_102    conda-forge
numba                     0.57.0                   pypi_0    pypi
numpy                     1.24.3           py39h6183b62_0    conda-forge
pcraster                  4.4.0            py39h07ce518_2    conda-forge
gdal                      3.6.4            py39h5a35a9c_3    conda-forge
libgdal                   3.6.4                h272c690_3    conda-forge
xarray                    2023.5.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge

Clone and install Lisflood-code

$ git clone --depth 1
$ cd lisflood-code
$ pip install -e .

Check Lisflood Version


LisfloodPy - Lisflood using pcraster Python framework
Authors:  Ad de Roo, Emiliano Gelati, Peter Burek, Johan van der Knijff, Niko Wanders
Version:  4.1.2
Date:  22/03/2023
Status:  Operation

    Arguments list:
    settings.xml     settings file

    -q --quiet       output progression given as .
    -v --veryquiet   no output progression is given
    -l --loud        output progression given as time step, date and discharge
    -c --check       input maps and stack maps are checked, output for each input map BUT no model run
    -h --noheader    .tss file have no header and start immediately with the time series
    -d --debug       debug outputs
    -i --initonly    only run initialisation, not the dynamic loop

Attempt to run tests to verify that installation was successful

$ cd lisflood-code
$ pytest --maxfail=1 tests/

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.16, pytest-7.3.1, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /opt/conda/bin/python3.9
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /tmp/lisflood-code
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: cov-4.1.0, mock-3.10.0, anyio-3.6.2
collecting ... collected 68 items / 16 deselected / 52 selected

tests/ FAILED              [  1%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________ TestCaching.test_caching_24h _________________________

date_in = '31/12/1999 06:00', calendar_type = 'proleptic_gregorian'

    def calendar(date_in, calendar_type='proleptic_gregorian'):
        """ Get date or number of steps from input.

        Get date from input string using one of the available formats or get time step number from input number or string.
        Used to get the date from CalendarDayStart (input) in the settings xml

        :param date_in: string containing a date in one of the available formats or time step number as number or string
        :param calendar_type:
        :rtype: datetime object or float number
        :returns: date as datetime or time step number as float
        :raises ValueError: stop if input is not a step number AND it is in wrong date format
            # try reading step number from number or string
>           return float(date_in)
E           ValueError: could not convert string to float: '31/12/1999 06:00'

_t_units   = 'hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00'
calendar_type = 'proleptic_gregorian'
date_in    = '31/12/1999 06:00'
msg        = 'Wrong step or date format in XML settings file\n Input 31/12/1999 06:00'

src/lisflood/global_modules/ ValueError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

date_in = '31/12/1999 06:00', calendar_type = 'proleptic_gregorian'

    def calendar(date_in, calendar_type='proleptic_gregorian'):
        """ Get date or number of steps from input.

        Get date from input string using one of the available formats or get time step number from input number or string.
        Used to get the date from CalendarDayStart (input) in the settings xml

        :param date_in: string containing a date in one of the available formats or time step number as number or string
        :param calendar_type:
        :rtype: datetime object or float number
        :returns: date as datetime or time step number as float
        :raises ValueError: stop if input is not a step number AND it is in wrong date format
            # try reading step number from number or string
            return float(date_in)
        except ValueError:
            # try reading a date in one of available formats
                _t_units = "hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"  # units used for date type conversion (datetime.datetime -> calendar-specific if needed)
>               date = parsing.parse_time_string(date_in, dayfirst=True)[0]  # datetime.datetime type
E               AttributeError: module 'pandas._libs.tslibs.parsing' has no attribute 'parse_time_string'

_t_units   = 'hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00'
calendar_type = 'proleptic_gregorian'
date_in    = '31/12/1999 06:00'
msg        = 'Wrong step or date format in XML settings file\n Input 31/12/1999 06:00'

src/lisflood/global_modules/ AttributeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

self = <tests.test_caching.TestCaching object at 0x7fcc0dab5760>

    def test_caching_24h(self):
      dt_sec = 86400
>     self.run_lisflood_caching(dt_sec)

dt_sec     = 86400
self       = <tests.test_caching.TestCaching object at 0x7fcc0dab5760>

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

date_in = '31/12/1999 06:00', calendar_type = 'proleptic_gregorian'

    def calendar(date_in, calendar_type='proleptic_gregorian'):
        """ Get date or number of steps from input.

        Get date from input string using one of the available formats or get time step number from input number or string.
        Used to get the date from CalendarDayStart (input) in the settings xml

        :param date_in: string containing a date in one of the available formats or time step number as number or string
        :param calendar_type:
        :rtype: datetime object or float number
        :returns: date as datetime or time step number as float
        :raises ValueError: stop if input is not a step number AND it is in wrong date format
            # try reading step number from number or string
            return float(date_in)
        except ValueError:
            # try reading a date in one of available formats
                _t_units = "hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"  # units used for date type conversion (datetime.datetime -> calendar-specific if needed)
                date = parsing.parse_time_string(date_in, dayfirst=True)[0]  # datetime.datetime type
                step = date2num(date, _t_units, calendar_type)  # float type
                return num2date(step, _t_units, calendar_type)  # calendar-dependent type from netCDF4.netcdftime._netcdftime module
                # if cannot read input then stop
                msg = "Wrong step or date format in XML settings file\n Input {}".format(date_in)
>               raise LisfloodError(msg)
E               lisflood.global_modules.errors.LisfloodError:
E                ========================== LISFLOOD ERROR =============================
E               Wrong step or date format in XML settings file
E                Input 31/12/1999 06:00

_t_units   = 'hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00'
calendar_type = 'proleptic_gregorian'
date_in    = '31/12/1999 06:00'
msg        = 'Wrong step or date format in XML settings file\n Input 31/12/1999 06:00'

src/lisflood/global_modules/ LisfloodError
--------------------------- Captured stdout teardown ---------------------------
Cleaning directories and cache
Clearing cache

---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.9.16-final-0 -----------
Name                                                           Stmts   Miss  Cover
src/lisflood/                                     21     12    43%
src/lisflood/                                 102     91    11%
src/lisflood/                                 245    177    28%
src/lisflood/                               11      4    64%
src/lisflood/                                          13      1    92%
src/lisflood/global_modules/                            0      0   100%
src/lisflood/global_modules/                              556    502    10%
src/lisflood/global_modules/                           38     23    39%
src/lisflood/global_modules/                         64     23    64%
src/lisflood/global_modules/                     4      0   100%
src/lisflood/global_modules/                             28     12    57%
src/lisflood/global_modules/                            301    257    15%
src/lisflood/global_modules/                            202    188     7%
src/lisflood/global_modules/                          451    261    42%
src/lisflood/global_modules/                           93     86     8%
src/lisflood/global_modules/                            238    198    17%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                     43     31    28%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                   74     60    19%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                        21     11    48%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                  71     59    17%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/               126    112    11%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                       62     45    27%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/     105     70    33%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                       124    110    11%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                86     71    17%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                     42     28    33%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                  77     65    16%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                   20     11    45%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                       27     13    52%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                    30     23    23%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                   131    116    11%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/               54     42    22%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                     257    238     7%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                         64     52    19%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                        236    222     6%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                    308    267    13%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                   15      8    47%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/              63     50    21%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                 29     18    38%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/            301    285     5%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                107     98     8%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                   27     16    41%
src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/                      8      3    62%
src/lisflood/                                              96     70    27%
TOTAL                                                           4971   4029    19%

=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/ -
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stopping after 1 failures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
======================= 1 failed, 16 deselected in 1.72s =======================
doc78 commented

Dear @Castronova

Can you please share your output of the "pip list" command? It seems an issue with the version of pandas


@doc78 Here is what's installed in my environment. I should also note that I'm installing this inside a Docker image.


name: base
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - bokeh=3.1.1
  - cudatoolkit=9.0
  - curl=8.1.1
  - dask=2023.5.0
  - dask-core=2023.5.0
  - distributed=2023.5.0
  - fiona=1.8.22
  - folium=0.14.0
  - fsspec=2023.5.0
  - gdal=3.6.4
  - geemap=0.20.7
  - geopandas=0.13.0
  - h5py=3.8.0
  - hdf5=1.14.0
  - holoviews=1.16.0
  - ipyleaflet=0.17.2
  - ipympl=0.9.3
  - jupyter-resource-usage=0.7.1
  - jupyter-server-proxy=4.0.0
  - jupyter_client=8.2.0
  - matplotlib=3.7.1
  - nb_conda_kernels=2.3.1
  - netcdf4=1.6.3
  - networkx=3.1
  - numpy=1.24.3
  - pandas=2.0.1
  - pillow=9.5.0
  - proj=9.2.0
  - pyproj=3.5.0
  - pyshp=2.3.1
  - python=3.9.16
  - pytorch=2.0.0
  - rasterio=1.3.7
  - rasterstats=0.18.0
  - requests=2.31.0
  - scikit-learn=1.2.2
  - scipy=1.10.1
  - shapely=2.0.1
  - sympy=1.12
  - xarray=2023.5.0
  - pip=23.1.2
  - pcraster=4.4.0



It looks like this function was renamed in Jan 2023.


doc78 commented

Ok, thus a quick fix would be to install pandas<2 (I'm using version 1.3.5).
I will take note of this for future releases
