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It's been a couple weeks, so it might be a forgotten memory...But I'm the guy who talked with you about indoor navigation, when you presented ULB in the session at DevCon. In any case, I eventually got back from Japan, and I just remembered to finally send you something.

So, if you are interested in the idea of integrating indoor navigation with your protocol, you might want to check out these providers, just to get an idea of what other people are doing and how ULB could maybe beat them to it:

Indoor Atlas is the one that uses electromagnetic signatures inside buildings.

In any case, if you create a list of Wants/Needs and post it for the ULB project, that might get some more attention and help from others. Especially on the Want side (i.e., a non-essential feature), I might be able to help, too. I haven't done any work with Objective-C or Swift for a few years now, so I'm a bit rusty...but after clearing out the cobwebs, that part of my brain might work again. :)