
adding Beneficiaries into Reward-Selection

Opened this issue · 3 comments

After a while thinking about the Payoutsystem it would be necessary to implement the hidden feature of adding a beneficiarie value on a post.

this Screen is made from the Posteditor on steempeak which already have the beneficiary feature implemented.

Adding a button with an opened menue for adding a @steemian and adding the value in % next to would be a great deal.

What do you think about this suggestion @feruzm ?

Thanks for suggestion @RivalzZz88! @talhasch we have other priorities for now, let's work on exchange, pointing, messaging features first and later we can add this as well. Of course if we have few more people asking same feature we can prioritize accordingly.

Of course if we have few more people asking same feature we can prioritize accordingly.

Think that'd be useful, too.