
[Bug] eSteem Surfer 2.0.6 Transfers in notifications are not displayed correctly

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Project Information

Expected behavior

My expectation was that the notifications would be displayed correctly with all information when a transfer made to a user.

Actual behavior

Currently, the version 2.0.6 of eSteem Surfers displays curiously empty content. If a user sends another user an amount in Steem, an empty notification is displayed at the place of the notification. At least the value of the transaction the user received should be displayed here.

How to reproduce

Send a user who also uses the eSteem Surfer app a sum of Steem. The user gets the notification as shown on the screenshots.

  • Browser/App version: 2.0.6 latest
  • Operating system: MAC OS 10.14

Recording Of The Bug



GitHub Account
Steem Account: louis88

Yes, new update is on the way which already fixes it! thanks for report!

fixed on last release