
There is a problem with synced block.

panwanke opened this issue · 3 comments

  1. When the page have synced block, there is some problem.
  2. When the page have many pictures, just one picture would be saved if these pictures have default name(Untitled.png). And the
  3. In the code, some GLobal variables may cause some troubles.

Thank you for notifying the issues you have. However, can you explain more detail on 3 issues? For example, what error message show up about 3 issues, or what input data you used(a Notion Page or a specific block)?

Thanks for your reply.

For the first issue, If you convert a notion page to markdown file, which contains sync block, you will get text "sync_block is not surported" and the content in the sync block sometimes would be converted to "code format" in the final markdown file.

For the second issue, since these picture have same default name, so you finally get one picture called "Untitled.png" because the others are covered.

For the third issue, because the global variable in the code, it is not easy to call some api in your package. Thus, I recommend to pass the notion client as the parameter other than the global variable.

Thanks. I separated those, and will fix one by one of them.