Actived -a and -w options when any mountpoints in /etc/fstab is in RO
arigaud opened this issue · 0 comments
arigaud commented
Nice plugin but i have an issue.
I use -a option to check all mountpoints and -w to write file but manytimes machines are ro mountpoints and touch don't work, its normal.
I suggest you to insert a condition in line 266, but i think my code is not the better way to exclude RO mountpoints for this test.
elif [ ${WRITETEST} -eq 1 ] && egrep -q "${MP}.*rw" ${FSTAB}; then
## if wanted an RW, check if it is writable
touch ${TOUCHFILE} &>/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
log "CRIT: ${TOUCHFILE} is not writable."
ERR_MESG[${#ERR_MESG[*]}]="${TOUCHFILE} is not writable."
rm ${TOUCHFILE} &>/dev/null