
stand alone mongoS

ShawnButtrick opened this issue · 2 comments

The 'debian_mongos-init.conf.erb' file contains the lines:
mongod_<%= mongod_instance %>
CONF="/etc/mongod_<%= mongos_instance %>.conf"

These may be a copy-paste error from the original 'debian_mongod-init.conf.erb' file...

When doing a 'puppet apply' of the code at the bottom,
it throws an error stating:
Detail: Could not find value for 'mongod_instance'

I replaced all 3 instances of mongod_ with mongos_ and it works.


node default
    # Install MongoDB
    include mongodb
    # Install the MongoDB shard server
        'mongos_router': mongos_instance => "router", mongos_port => '27017', mongos_configServers => 'localhost:27050'

daniel is already working on a fix

He really does.