Takes lots of time to calculate BPM
Opened this issue · 2 comments
AkshayChordiya commented
Thanks for this library, it helped alot in music analysis. But the problem is it takes a lot of time to calculate Temp aka BPM of song.
I don't know but it takes very much time, can this be improved by reducing the waitForAnalysis timeout ?
Here is my code below to calculate Tempo from Echonest
EchoNestAPI en = new EchoNestAPI(Constant.BPM.ECHO_NEST_API);
Track track = en.uploadTrack(new File(args[0]));
if (track.getStatus() == Track.AnalysisStatus.COMPLETE)
System.out.println("Tempo = " + track.getTempo());
warjohn123 commented
change your analysis time to 30000
AkshayChordiya commented
Thank you for the help.
I'll try with that value.