GET /lookup/shells return values for assetIds are strange + difference to specifiation on swagger hub
MMuellerMitsubishi opened this issue · 2 comments
When using the GET /lookup/shells method with the Query Parameter "assetIds" with one assetId, the return value is a list of all AAS IDs in the registry. But I expect only one AAS ID as return value.
If I use the query parameter "assetId", the return value is as expected.
Further, when I compare the specification on swagger hub with the implementation in AASX Server there is a difference.
Which of them is correct?
Could you please provide the "assetIds" and "assetId" input, that you are using, so that we can try to reproduce the issue?
Use e.g. this Asset ID on the v3security Server: SFRUUDovL1BLLkZFU1RPLkNPTS8zUzdQTTBDUDRCRA
Call for AssetIDs
Returns array with all AAS IDs in the server
Call for AssetID
Returns the expected AAS ID
According to the spec on swaggerhub only the "assetIds" Paramter exists. The server implements currently both "assetId" and "assetIds". Which one is correct?