
bogus typechecker error only in IntelliJ

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I have a class which implements

    shared actual void onLoadChildren(String parentMediaId,
            MediaBrowserService.Result<List<MediaBrowser.MediaItem>> result) { ... }

This results in the nonsense error:

type of parameter 'result' of 'onLoadChildren' declared by 'MusicService' is different to type of corresponding parameter 'result' of refined member 'onLoadChildren' of 'MediaBrowserService': 'MediaBrowserService.Result<List<MediaBrowser.MediaItem>>' is not exactly 'Result<List<MediaBrowser.MediaItem>>?'

But the error only occurs inside Android Studio. It doesn't happen from the Gradle build.

You can see the error in this project:

Simpler test case:

public abstract class MediaBrowserService {
    public class Result<T> {}
    abstract void fun(Result<String> list);
import java.lang { String }

class Cl() extends MediaBrowserService() {
    shared actual void fun(Result<String>? list) {}

type of parameter 'list' of 'fun' declared by 'Cl' is different to type of corresponding parameter 'list' of refined member 'fun' of 'MediaBrowserService': 'MediaBrowserService.Result<String>?' is not exactly 'Result<String>?'

    // TODO
    qualifyingType => null; //enclosing;



@bjansen I was trying to figure this one out and perhaps the answer is to use psi.accept(PsiTypeVisitor) to get the qualifying type? WDYT?

I was also looking for a solution the other day, but didn't notice that visitor. Are you talking about this one? It doesn't look like it does anything useful in our case...

Yeah that one. Oh I thought maybe it visits the constituent types of a type expression.