
Shared circular dependency causes java.lang.StackOverflowError

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I have a large IntelliJ project, of which there are ~102 source files in 11 modules.

Recently I started receiving this message in the Event Log quite often:

Ceylon model update failed The Ceylon model update triggered an unexpected exception: java.lang.StackOverflowError that will be reported in the Event View. To avoid performance issues the automatic update of the Ceylon model has been disabled. You can reenable it by using the following menu entry: Tools -> Ceylon -> Enable automatic update of model.

The change producing this error might be that you exported a module (with a shared import) involved in a circular dependency.

Fixed ^

Fixed how exactly?

As davidfestal suggested, I removed a shared circular dependency.

Let's reopen it: the IDE common dependency analyzer should detect this case and stop recursion