
Warn when type parameter inferred to be Nothing

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I've just spent about an hour tracking down a bug where I was narrowing an Iterable to a type parameter, which it turned out the compiler was inferring to be Nothing. On the rare occasions that I want a type parameter to be Nothing, I always explicitly specify it (either as the default at the definition site, or at the caller), so it would be helpful to me if the compiler would print a warning anytime it inferred a type parameter (or perhaps a type more generally) to be Nothing, similar to the warning it gives about the value nothing or functions or values having the type Nothing.

Out of curiosity, what was the use case (if it can be shared)?

The code where the type parameter was incorrectly inferred to be Nothing is in this code to read tab-separated data from a file embedded in the module as a resource:

object fileSplitter {
    {String+} splitOnFirstTab(String line) => line.split('\t'.equals, true, true, 1);
    String->Type lineToEntry<Type>({String+} line, Type(String) factory) =>
        line.first->factory( else "");
    shared Map<String, Type> getFileContents<Type, BroaderType=Type>(String filename,
            BroaderType(String) factory) given Type satisfies BroaderType {
        assert (exists textContent =
            readFileContents(`module strategicprimer.model`, filename));
        return map(textContent.split('\n'.equals).map(splitOnFirstTab)

Before I made the type parameter explicit in my commit kingjon3377/strategicprimer-viewer@e2eb545, code calling fileSplitter.getFileContents would compile but return an empty Map.

(If you meant my use case for wanting the type parameter to be Nothing, it's a function that asks the user a yes-or-no question, but allows the user to answer "always" or "never" to have future calls automatically return true or false without further interaction, and in some cases allows "quit"; its signature is Boolean|Absent inputBooleanInSeries<Absent=Nothing>(String prompt, <Absent|Boolean?>(String) quitResultFactory).)

Thanks! That's quite informative.