
Bug when associating VP Filtering 1.5.2 with Capella 5.2

toto047 opened this issue · 0 comments


On Capella 5.2 I have installed 1.5.2 VP Filtering add-on.

On a project I have created a FilteringModel and 2 FilteringCriterion, and a FilteringResults and a FilteringResult. I have attached the FilteringResult with one of the FilteringCriterion.

On one of my diagrams, I have attached one element with a FilteringCriterion. On the tab “Diagram Filtering Criteria Visibility”, I tick the box “Diagram reflect the filtering result"

without selecting a FilteringResult nor ticking a box below, and the element of the diagram disappears as expected when I refresh the diagram. If I tick a box on one of the FilteringCriterion below then it behaves as expected, the element disappears if it does not belong to the FilteringCriterion and reappears if it does. Now if I untick all the boxes, the element of the diagram stays there instead of dispappearing. If I click in the middle of the diagram, then “Diagram reflect the filtering result” box gets unticked by itself. It looks like there is a bug when all the FilteringCriterion boxes are unticked after at least one of them have been ticked.

I have done exactly the same experiment with the same project, diagram and element on Capella 1.4.2 and VP Filtering 1.4.2 and it works perfectly, I don’t have this bug.

Thank you for your help.