
Content type not associated with the editor by default

pcdavid opened this issue · 2 comments


  • target-platform-dsl 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT (
  • Eclipse 2018-12
  • Xtext 2.16.0.v20181203-1555

After installing the DSL feature, opening any .tpd or .targetplatform file still uses the plain text editor. I had to manually go to the General > Content Types preferences page to add the Target Platform DSL Editor to the Text > Target Platform DSL File type and make it the default.

As far a I remember, this used to work out-of-the-box in the previous "legacy" versions.

I have just tested it with the latest version and seems that the content types are associated with the editor properly out-of-the-box:
The content type associations has been added automatically to the TargetPlatform-DSL project by updating it to Xtext 2.14, see commit.
@pcdavid : Would be awesome if you could try it out again with the latest snapshot and give feedback.

merks commented

Yes, it works for me as well.