How to change the log output from version C to version C++?
usstmiracle opened this issue · 1 comments
usstmiracle commented
As for cyclonedds-cxx
Is there a similar log API and how should it be used?
Is there an example of how to use the C++version log
#include "dds/dds.h"
#include "dds/ddsrt/log.h"
#include "HelloWorldData.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Log callback function
static void my_log_callback(void *ptr, const dds_log_data_t *data)
printf("----------my_log_callback is called----------\n");
printf("file:%s \n",data->file);
printf("line: %d \n",data->line);
printf("priority: %d \n",data->priority);
// Cast ptr to FILE pointer
FILE *log_fp = (FILE *)ptr;
if (log_fp != NULL) {
fprintf(log_fp, "----------my_log_callback is called----------\n");
fprintf(log_fp, "file:%s \n", data->file);
fprintf(log_fp, "function:%s\n", data->function);
fprintf(log_fp, "line: %d \n", data->line);
fprintf(log_fp, "priority: %d \n", data->priority);
fprintf(log_fp, "message:%s\n", data->message);
fflush(log_fp); // Flush the stream
printf("cyclonedds.log file pointer is not valid \n");
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
dds_entity_t participant;
dds_entity_t topic;
dds_entity_t writer;
dds_return_t rc;
HelloWorldData_Msg msg;
uint32_t status = 0;
//add for log by lx
FILE *log_fp = fopen("/opt/vrte/eclipse_cyclonedds/log/cyclonedds.log", "a");
if (log_fp == NULL) {
perror("can not open the log file\n");
dds_set_log_sink(my_log_callback, log_fp);
dds_set_log_mask(DDS_LC_ERROR | DDS_LC_WARNING | DDS_LC_INFO);
/* Create a Participant. */
participant = dds_create_participant (DDS_DOMAIN_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL);
if (participant < 0)
DDS_FATAL("dds_create_participant: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-participant));
printf("DDS_ERROR is called\n");
DDS_ERROR("--------------------This is a error log message-------------------\n");
printf("DDS_WARNING is called\n");
DDS_WARNING("----------------This is a WARNING log message---------------------\n");
printf("DDS_INFO is called\n");
DDS_INFO("--------------------------This is a info log message-----------------\n");
//The log message will be written to cyclonedds.log.${CYCLONEDDS_PID} file
DDS_INFO("++++++++++++++++++This is a info log message+++++++++++++++++++++++");
/* Create a Topic. */
topic = dds_create_topic (
participant, &HelloWorldData_Msg_desc, "HelloWorldData_Msg", NULL, NULL);
if (topic < 0)
DDS_FATAL("dds_create_topic: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-topic));
usstmiracle commented
Is there a similar log API for cyclonedds cxx, and how should it be used? Is there an example of how to use the C++version log