
Release latest build on npm

tobias-zeptio opened this issue · 5 comments

When I look in the npm repository the latest release is from 8 months ago, are these build not going to npm? How do I get a hold of build in that case?

Hi @tobias-zeptio,
we're currently only publishing final releases for Ditto and its clients. For the JS client our plan was to release a 3.0.0 after #117 gets merged.
Are you in need of some in-between milestone releases? Would you need only milestones of the JavaScript client or also of Ditto or the Java client?

I'm specifically after the PR 208, to be able to use JWT token with the DOM client..

Oh, I think we forgot to publish a bugfix release after your PR, sorry. Would it be ok for you, if we'd publish your changes together with the breaking changes of 3.0.0 (see #121)? I could try to publish it as a 2.0.1 otherwise.

I'd appreciate if it's released as 2.0.1 as soon as possible, since I depend on that change to move forward. But it depends on when 3.0.0 is released.

Hi @tobias-zeptio,

I published a 2.1.0 just now containing #108 and #95.

Thank you again for pinging us on the release.