
wscompile produces client stubs with mangled Naming

Closed this issue · 6 comments

when generating client-stubs via wscompile (from jwsdp 1.6) we noticed that the
generated webservice-client has a difference in the method name compared to the
WSDL (and also the SEI).
The original SEI has a method name echoSequenceOfInt4b with lowercase 'b' at the
The generated client methods and Datatypes however have an upper-case 'B'
echoSequenceOfInt4b becomes echoSequenceOfInt4B.
We're developing a generic (actually generated) application. Our generated code
depends on the correct naming and breaks with the client generated by wscompile.

Following WSDL is generated correctly by wscompile:




<soap:operation soapAction=""/>

<soap:body use="literal"

<soap:body use="literal"

The generated client code however:
public interface ComplexServicesWebService extends java.rmi.Remote {

public void echoSequenceOfInt4B(WebServiceContext webServiceContext_1,
L_Int4BWebService l_Int4BWebService_2, L_Int4BWebServiceHolder
l_Int4BWebService_3) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;


We think this should be fixed. If there intention behind this behavior we'd like
to have a hint at the rules for the name changes.

best regards


Operating System: Windows 2000
Platform: All

Affected Versions


@glassfishrobot Commented
Reported by semmel

@glassfishrobot Commented
kohlert said:
Unfortunately this is the specified behavior. Please read section 20 Appendix:
Mapping of XML Names. As such we will not be able to change this behavior
without being in violation of the spec.

A possible solution for you is to modify the generated class names and recompile
the code. Just make sure to not modify any QName name.

@glassfishrobot Commented
Was assigned to jax-rpc-issues

@glassfishrobot Commented
This issue was imported from JIRA JAX_RPC-29

@glassfishrobot Commented
Marked as incomplete on Monday, February 13th 2006, 12:10:24 am