
XMLReaderImpl duplicating charaters withinin an encoded CDATA block

Opened this issue · 4 comments


The problem would appear to orginate in the InputEntity.class. when parsing the
content from a SOAP response message, within a CDATA section the penultimate
character is repeated. for example.


as opposed to what was streamed to us which is


This problem doesn't occur to all CDATA sections in the response, only when a
CDATA section occurs at a certain point in the stream.

This problem does not occur when using the XMLTreeReaderImpl. only the

The problem specifically occurs when the penultimate ']' occurs at position
32,768, in the byteInputStream (provided from SAAJ).
the structure of the message in short contains a large string of encoded xml.


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">


so on and so forth -

Now I can't be certain that this still going to be an issue, I am only assuming
it is as I have compared the Version of I have with the latest
from head here on and the only difference apart from the Class Comment
(switching it to open source) is a small fix that I have added and am currently
testing for robustness.

I have deliberately not included the full actual message for reason of non
disclosure etc, but if I get a response or interest shown in this bug and my
potential fix, I will be happy to liaise, and provide further information.


Operating System: Windows XP
Platform: PC

Affected Versions


@glassfishrobot Commented
Reported by gupnorth

@glassfishrobot Commented
Was assigned to jax-rpc-issues

@glassfishrobot Commented
This issue was imported from JIRA JAX_RPC-39