
jaxrpc xml parser can corrupt map entries

Opened this issue · 4 comments

The class processes the input XML using 2k buffers. If the XML map value spans a buffer boundary then duplicate characters can be introduced leader to data corruption and very difficult to diagnose bugs in client applications.

If the XML looks like this:

com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri [0]=

and the value is [0]=, this bug will mean the map entry value will end up looking like this [[0]=. If the XML example ends up in the buffer like this:


Notice the value spans the buffer boundary. The problem is due to the processing starting at 0 rather than 1 when the buffer is switched. Fix is attached. This is a diff on from the tag JAXRPC_1_1_3_01_PKG_041406, but the issue is still present in trunk

Affected Versions


@glassfishrobot Commented
Reported by sjferris

@glassfishrobot Commented
File: jaxrpc.bug.diff
Attached By: sjferris

@glassfishrobot Commented
This issue was imported from JIRA JAX_RPC-48