
Workflow Analyzer Editor is failing

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With the update to Theia 1.29(#470) the Workflow Analyzer Editor extension now seems to be failing on activation:

Activating extension 'coffee-workflow-analyzer-editor' failed: Cannot find module 'vscode-jsonrpc' Require stack: - /tmp/vscode-unpacked/coffee-workflow-analyzer-editor-0.1.0.vsix/extension/out/extension.js - /home/tobias/Git/OpenSource/emfcloud/coffee-editor/client/node_modules/@theia/core/lib/node/dynamic-require.js - /home/tobias/Git/OpenSource/emfcloud/coffee-editor/client/node_modules/@theia/plugin-ext/lib/hosted/node/plugin-host-rpc.js - /home/tobias/Git/OpenSource/emfcloud/coffee-editor/client/node_modules/@theia/plugin-ext/lib/hosted/node/plugin-host.js

Is this with or without the Java 17 update?

Happens in both cases. Also the error message indicates that it rather is a client side problem and it should not be affected by the Java update

Looks like this was introduced with this change in #470 :

-"package": "vsce package && copyfiles coffee-workflow-analyzer-editor-0.1.0.vsix ../browser-app/plugins/"
+"package": "vsce package --yarn && copyfiles coffee-workflow-analyzer-editor-0.1.0.vsix ../browser-app/plugins/"

However, simply reverting the change results in a build error

FYI: This change was neccessary as otherwise the build with node 16 would not work.

Maybe this error (or a similar one) is then still happening, but is just ignored/skipped?

Maybe this error (or a similar one) is then still happening, but is just ignored/skipped?

For me the Workflow LSP does no longer work properly (only syntax highlighting and basic vscode auto completion) which makes sense since the extension providing the language server failed to activate.