Manage Run Configurations menu on Project Explorer
Opened this issue · 1 comments
CarlosMOGoncalves commented
I have recently updated my Eclipse 2023-06 with what I think was the latest M2E (2.4).
While I still haven't used any of the new features, I did notice something:
- On the project explorer, when I right-click on a project and go to Run As, it now shows a lot more options than before. That means all the Maven Run Configurations that I have saved. Just like you can see below:
First of all I would like to thank you for this feature! It is so much nicer to have these custom configs accessible right there, instead of just sitting in the bar above.
However, now I do have the slight opposite issue.
As you can see in the picture above: that same menu which was once almost bare is now cluttered (as I have many saved Run Configurations).
So what I am here to ask you is:
- Is there any way to configure which Run Configurations appear in that menu so that it will just show an handful of the ones I consider important for such project? (for example, in that picture, I don't think I need a shortcut there for "Verify Versions" or some others)
- Is there any way to even configure the default ones that appear there? For example, remove the default "Maven generate-sources", or even those "Run on Server", "Java Application". I don't know how these are populated, but maybe it just guesses which are useful on such context.
- If none of the above is possible, would you consider to implement a way to manage these Run Configurations?