m2e plugin execution lifecycle configuration set to "warning", shows as "info"
garretwilson opened this issue · 1 comments
As discussed in #1577, m2e over the years has downgraded the severity of notifying whether plugins executions are covered by the lifecycle configuration, from "error" to "warning" and finally now to "info". The note "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" now appears in the "Problems" tab, not under "Warnings", but under "Infos".
That's all fine and reasonable.
However in Window > Preferences > Maven > Errors/Warnings, currently "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" is still set to "Warning". Nevertheless the problem shows up as an "info".
This is a low-priority problem. I'm merely pointing out that, if m2e is going to force it to be an "info" and not a warning, perhaps the option to set it to a "warning" should be removed altogether.
In the previous discussion, @laeubi asserted that the "warning" setting is only for "uncovered" executions, and since the default action is set to "execute", then the execution is "covered", in which case the setting does not apply.
Actually its a bit more complex (because the way how m2 works internally), you can configure here what should happen for the "default" case what is set to execute:
In that case technically everything is covered so the mentioned setting do not apply. if you choose "warning" or "error" these are effectively generate a "uncovered execution" what the can be controlled by the above setting.
I see what you're saying, but it is confusing. I would also say that if that is the case and this plugin execution is thus "covered", it is incorrect to even provide an "info" saying "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration", because after all it's covered right?
So at the very least there is an inconsistency. Either the plugin execution is not covered, in which case the setting of "warning" should apply—or the plugin execution is covered, in which case it is incorrect to include even an "info" saying that it is not covered!