
Allow variable use in Preferences > Maven > User Settings

tivervac opened this issue · 2 comments

In our project, we don't use the .m2 repository. Instead, we configure a .repository to be used in our git root as localRepository in a global settings file pointed to in .mvn/config. This allows us to have multiple workspaces with separate maven local repositories and makes sure we don't mix dependencies between different projects.

We now want to have the same behavior in Eclipse for our projects with the maven nature. In Preferences > Maven > User Settings we can point to the global settings file, but it has to be an absolute path so I can't share this configuration with my colleagues. Allowing either a path relative to a project (which requires project preferences instead of workspace preferences) or the Eclipse variables would allow me to share the setting.

The second problem I have now is with the working directory during m2e dependency resolution. If I manually point the global settings in Preferences > Maven > User Settings to my settings file at <git_root>/.mvn/settings.xml with the line <localRepository>.repository</localRepository>. M2E resolves this path to ~/.repository. I thus want to be able to configure the working directory to my git root instead of the user home folder

This is fixed with the following PRs isn't it?

laeubi commented

No this is something different, it want to have variables to be used in the path for the settings (currently a full string must be given).