
Squashed vehicle length on short connection

Closed this issue · 10 comments

  1. Is there an option in sumocfg, to extract results from excluding [0,10] seconds, but only [10,327] seconds?
    I need to set up an warm-up time or change the edges of vehicles.
    I used end time but did not use begin time option, because it does not match my intention.
		<end value="327"/> 

  1. So to describe from the first image, gap between vehicle 356 & vehicle 191(3rd lane) seem to be longer than other 4 gaps(other lanes).
    What is the main reason for this? And what should I do to make the gaps same for waiting status vehicles?
    Is there a way to fix this phenomenon, or should I just append edges? It relates to the result of stopping time and queueing_length.



  1. Also, vehicle shows status of being squashed(or should I say shortened) somehow, is this a normal phenomenon? It goes back to its normal length(When green time is on). I've change the length to 4.7m on vtype though(in rou.xml).


Regarding your questions:

  1. No, there is no global setting to let output start only at time t > begin. It would not help to specify a begin time either because then the vehicles starting earlier would not be inserted.
  2. The squashed vehicles should not happen indeed. The only way this is conform to our specs is if the edge has a custom length set which is greater than the one derived from geometry.

I didn't get what you wanted to tell with the other screenshots...

Sorry, I've separated with "--------" and modified numbers to separate questions.

So to describe from the first image, gap between vehicle 356 & vehicle 191(3rd lane) seem to be longer than other 4 gaps(other lanes). 
What is the main reason for this? And what should I do to make the gaps same for waiting status vehicles?

@jinx2plus Can you please state whether you have set a custom edge length value? And if you haven't, would you be willing to provide the net file so that we can have a closer look?
Here is the file. The edges are short though. I did modify the edges but did not set custom edge length value.
I did not find a way to merge edges which do not need to be separated.

Ok I was able to reproduce the short vehicles and this clearly should not happen. I will investigate further why the vehicle is drawn like that when it is on a short connection. May take a few days due to Christmas holidays.

Thank you for your cooperation!

The internal lane length is strange (length attribute differs a lot from the computed length of the shape). This leads to a scaled-down vehicle when being drawn. Example: lane :N1234W000273_0_1.

@jinx2plus The squashed vehicle is due to some limitations in the SUMO network concept. All lanes of an edge get the same (average) length assigned. Now if some lane is much longer or shorter, it will influence how vehicles are drawn on all lanes of the edge because the ratio between the nominal length and the computed length is not 1. This can happen with normal edges AND internal edges.

In your case, four lanes of internal edge :N1234W000189_0 have lengths below 0.1m and :N1234W000189_0_4 is about 3.1m long. If you remove the direct connection to the left turn lane, vehicles will be drawn at the right scale. Vehicles can still reach the turn lane by changing lanes.

Thank you. Have a nice day.

also the vehicle visualisation setting "scale length with geometry" can be used to disable the squashing