
Refine interpretation of OSM cycleway tag

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Reported on the mailing list. We currently do not use the OSM key-value pair "cycleway=share_busway" indicating cyclists to use the common lane with busses. This leads to a separate bike lane atm.

Aditionally the lane width is not correct given the tags "oneway:bicycle=no", "oneway:emergency=no" and "oneway:bus=no": The lane takes the width of a bike lane.

Thank you Mirko for opening this issue.

It appears that the "cycleway=share_busway" tag is not being interpreted correctly in certain situations. For instance, at edge 601328319, both cyclists and buses are allowed on the backward lane. However, when I modify the OSM file to "cycleway:left=lane" a separate bicycle lane is modeled.

This issue with "cycleway=share_busway" not being modelled correctly seems to be occurring only when there is a single lane in that specific direction.
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