
Nothing to build

Opened this issue · 33 comments

hello, I'm working on Azure RTOS for the STM32L4 device and I used your repo

when I read the docs provided in the folder and I tried to build the sample named "sample_azure_iot_embedded_sdk" it gave me this in the console
Build of configuration Debug for project sample_azure_iot_embedded_sdk
Nothing to build for project sample_azure_iot_embedded_sdk

I want to communicate with Azure cloud with STM32l475-E-IOT-01-A2
I'm using windows 10 system and STM32CubeIDE 1.4.0 help me out if I'm missing something and ask me if you are looking for some more information

Hello, Sir
Is there any update I'm waiting @wangwen-4220
I'm looking for building my own application.

@SS-iot-devoted , can you try to clean and build? if still nothing to build, try to turn off virus protection.

hi @wangwen-ms ,
I did what you ask for the clean project and that turn off virus protection. but still getting the same issue
I think the problem is on linker files or path side because in doc Azure_RTOS_STM32L4+-DISCO_Azure_IoT_Embedded_SDK_For_STM32CubeIDE.pdf page10 I got this point 1. Right click on active sample project, select Properties > C / C++ Build > Settings. In Tool Settings tab, change the linker file to common_hardware_code / STM32L475VGTX_FLASH.ld

but when I try to set this up I got this error window so can you point out on that side


can you use the latest stmcube IDE 1.5.1 to open it ?
the linker file has no effect on build.

I update my IDE ask you asked and update all other tools we need for that
but still, I'm not able to build it again


can you try to open the project in this way:

Still nothing to build...
Getting the same output in console

it cant be explained. can you paste your project here , what it looks like when you open it

I'm working on Azure RTOS for the STM32l475-E-IOT-01-A2 device and I used your repo

when I read the PDF docs provided in the folder (Azure_RTOS_6.1_STM32L4+-DISCO_STM32CubeIDE_Samples_2020_10_10\b-l4s5i-iot01a\stm32cubeide\docs\Azure_RTOS_STM32L4+-DISCO_Azure_IoT_Embedded_SDK_For_STM32CubeIDE.pdf) there are few steps for setup and run that application .. Im not able to do that below step on page10 in pdf doc

1. Right click on active sample project, select Properties > C / C++ Build > Settings. In Tool Settings tab, change the linker file to common_hardware_code / STM32L475VGTX_FLASH.ld


I want to make my own application before that I wanna test that sample so I just add Azure configs for connecting the cloud and try to build that the sample named "sample_azure_iot_embedded_sdk" it gave me this in the console


Build of configuration Debug for project sample_azure_iot_embedded_sdk
Nothing to build for project sample_azure_iot_embedded_sdk

any update @wangwen-ms ....
I'm still looking for the solution

@SS-iot-devoted ,

by the way , you link for zip package can't be opened.
the zip package will be 18.5M. after it is opened correctly, it will looks like below : there should not be any information in the Problem window, so i doubt the project is not opened successfully.


and of course , the setting will be opened with no errors


what is your package size downloaded from github, and what does the problem windows show?

the zip package is 18.5M. and while building I'm getting this error.


and in the problem window.


@SS-iot-devoted please unfold the warnings , what arethe warnings info?
and can you build any examples from stmcube itself
what is your project path in your computer

that warning from another project .. but the problem window only from this project

@wangwen-ms @SS-iot-devoted are you both using the exact same version of Cube IDE and compiler?

Eclipse sucks. Sometimes, even if the vIDE and compiler versions are the same, for whatever reason, projects made on one machine do not work on another machine.

Nobody else has reported any problems opening or building these projects. @SS-iot-devoted can you try on a different machine?

@goldscott yes, i think so

Thank you @goldscott for the help that is work for me, I'm using a different system now.

Now I faced another issue which is the application not able to SNTP Time sync failed and IoTHub client connect fail: DNS RESOLVE FAIL status: 163


One more thing I want to know that what if I want to use JSON structures which JSON library I can use and do I need to add from outside or what ??
Thanks for help

bo-ms commented

Hi @SS-iot-devoted seems the WIFI firmware (C3.5..2.3.BETA9) is too old, we encountered this issue that the old ES_WIFI did not correctly return the DNS address, could you update the firmware? C6.2.1.7 and C3.5.2.5 has been verified.

bo-ms commented

In this branch, there are json files (nx_azure_iot_json_reader.c/.h and nx_azure_iot_json_write.c/.h), you can try it. Json APIs

Hi @bo-ms For update the firmware I got the .bin file for device B-L475E-IOT01A. Can you tell me which one I should use(UART/ SPI) and how can I update the firmware by that .bin file ?

Can I get the .c or .h file so I directly replace in main code

bo-ms commented

Hi @SS-iot-devoted, could you download the Inventek ISM 43362 Wi-Fi module firmware update and follow up the readme to install it?

hello @bo-ms ,
I tried what you ask for with the help of the readme file used STM32 ST-LINK Utility and its showing that my firmware is updated

so I unplug the device and again try to install my application while RUN the application this window popup

and after again updating the firmware received upgread syccesful

my device restart and showing me the same result in the output console window


bo-ms commented

Hi @SS-iot-devoted from the screenshot, the firmware version is still C3.5.2.3.BETA9. Looks you only updated the ST-LINK Utility (step1- step2), could you continue to run the following steps (step3-step7) in readme?

I didn't post every screenshot but if you want I can post it here all with all steps.
Yes, I run update_Wifi_FW_C3.5.2.5.STM.bat file at the end of the 7th step
here the results that I got ... Can we make a meeting on Skype or MSTeam ???

C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK_CLI.exe" -c -me -p .\InventekBootloaderPassthrough.bin 0x08000000 -v -rst -hardrst
STM32 ST-LINK CLI v3.5.0.0
STM32 ST-LINK Command Line Interface

ST-LINK SN: 066EFF485450827867183610
ST-LINK Firmware version: V2J34M25
Connected via SWD.
SWD Frequency = 4000K.
Target voltage = 3.2 V
Connection mode: Normal
Reset mode: Hardware reset
Device ID: 0x415
Device flash Size: 1024 Kbytes
Device family: STM32L4x1/L4x5/L4x6

Full chip erase...
Flash memory erased.

Loading file...
Unable to open file!

MCU Reset.

Hard reset is performed.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>timeout /t 10

Waiting for 3 seconds, press a key to continue ...

C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software\Flash Loader Demo\STMFlashLoader.exe" -c --pn 5 --br 115200 --db 8 --pr EVEN --sb 1 --to 30000 -i STM32F2_1024K -e --sec 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -d --fn .\ISM43362_M3G_L44_SPI_C3.5.2.5.STM.bin --a 0x08000000 --v
Opening Port [OK]
Activating device [KO]
No response from the target, the Boot loader can not be started.
Please, verify the boot mode configuration, reset your device then try again.
Please, reset your device then press any key to continue

Press any key to continue ...

Opening Port [OK]
Activating device [KO]
No response from the target, the Boot loader can not be started.
Please, verify the boot mode configuration, reset your device then try again.
Please, reset your device then press any key to continue

Press any key to continue ...

bo-ms commented

you can check the current wifi firmware version in the output console window.

It is still the same as that image
Can we make a meeting on Skype or MSTeam ???

bo-ms commented

Looks the target is not connected. let's chat. My MS Teams:

Thank @bo-ms for helping me now seems working for me
thanks again

hello @bo-ms

I just wanna know that how can I use the other branch libraries in that sample_azure_iot_embedded_sdk project
I want to use JSON and RTC so

bo-ms commented

The JSON is already included in the sample project, see netxduo\addons\azure_iot\nx_azure_iot_json_reader/writer.*. Here is JSON APIs

hello @bo-ms these all application are based on treading even if I want to use need to use the treading concept
can I do this Azure RTOS as with a normal C console application based?

actually, I need to build my own application that has several steps to connect Azure and so on another task soo

bo-ms commented

@SS-iot-devoted Yes, you can change the steps of connecting Azure in you own application. Closing this issue. We can make a meeting if needed.