
Question of bin file size (2.87GB) of STM32F746G-DISCO_STM32CubeIDE_Samples

Closed this issue · 3 comments


  • STM32CubeIDE v1.3.1
  • Win 7 & 10
  • STM32Cube F7 1.16.0

After building these samples ok , i have found there are 3 very large *.bin files.
While the size of bin files of other sample projects is normally little than corresponding elf files.

  1. sample_guix_home_automation.bin, 2.87GB.
  2. sample_guix_medical.bin, 2.87GB.
  3. sample_guix_speedometer.bin, 2.87GB.

I notice the instruction of generating bin file in the console, and i think there is no syntax error.

arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary sample_guix_home_automation.elf "sample_guix_home_automation.bin"

I can avoid it by disable the generating of bin file in Project Configuration.

So can anyone tell me the reason of this?


Turns out to be a setting in the linker control file: declare .sd_ram section as (NOLOAD). We will update the linker file in the future release. Meanwhile you can replace your local copy (common/STM32F746NGHX_FLASH.ld) using the updated version attached here. Let me know if this fix addresses the issue.

thanks,its been fixed by the new ld file.

Thanks! I am going to close this issue. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!