
QG 4 checks (Release 24.05)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Quality Gate Checklist

Please keep this issue open until QG is concluded and will be managed by the Issue Creator!
We will inform you about finding and proposals in separated issues, this issue here is for the Overview of the Checks!

Please keep this issue open until QG is concluded!

Product Owner: @mkanal
Dev SPOC: @ds-jhartmann
Helm Chart Version: HELM Charts 7.1.3
App Version: 5.1.3

Release Managemnet Reference Issue:

Check of Tractus-X Release Guidelines

TRG 1 Documentation

  • TRG 1.01 appropriate
  • TRG 1.02 appropriate install instructions either or in
  • TRG 1.03 appropriate
  • #618

TRG 2 Git

TRG 3 Kubernetes

  • TRG 3.02 persistent volume and persistent volume claim is used when needed

TRG 4 Container

TRG 5 Helm

  • #619
  • TRG 5.02 Helm chart location in /charts directory and correct structure
  • TRG 5.03 proper version strategy
  • TRG 5.04 CPU / MEM resource requests and limits and are properly set
  • TRG 5.06 Application must be configurable through the Helm chart
  • TRG 5.07 Dependencies are present and properly configured in the Chart.yaml
  • TRG 5.08 Product has a single deployable helm chart that contains all components
  • TRG 5.09 Helm Test running properly
  • TRG 5.10 Products need to support 3 versions at a time
  • TRG 5.11 Upgradeability

TRG 6 Released Helm Chart

TRG 7 Open Source Governance

  • TRG 7.01 Legal Documentation
  • TRG 7.02 License and copyright header
  • TRG 7.03 IP checks for project content
  • TRG 7.04 IP checks for 3rd party content
  • TRG 7.05 Legal information for distributions
  • TRG 7.06 Legal information for end user content
  • TRG 7.07 Legal notice for documentation
  • TRG 7.08 Legal notice for KIT documentation

TRG 8 Security

  • #620
  • TRG 8.02 Mitigate high and above findings in KICS
  • TRG 8.03 Mitigate high and above findings in GitGuardian
  • TRG 8.04 Mitigate high and above findings in Trivy


Information Sharing

5.01 fixed with:

Thank you for adressing the issues. As all issues have been fixxed I can approve.