
IAM: Maintenance Activities (ext: CXAR-1026)

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Phil91 commented

+Benefit Hypothesis+

IAM Maintenance

  • Keycloak
    ** Upgrade 2x.x (explore new KC functions and adapt to possible wins - such as setting new service account credentials)
    ** Get rid of import for initial setup
    ** Variable and secret management to be revisited
    ** User token lifespan revalidation and possible config update
    ** DB & Keycloak seeding - currently independent seeding - ideally this runs in sync/same data basis "file" to ensure that both have always the same set of data
    ** Keycloak lib unit tests to be rechecked
    ** Concept: Brokering one external idp for multiple companies
    ** Revisit: self service options inside the portal




The feature does not depend on any other feature.

Changes will apply to keycloak config, seeding logic, data migration/load, portal db seeding, portal db schema (regarding the one idp multiple companies) and probably a couple of api endpoints


platform operator, dataspace customers 


Components: CPLP
Sprints: N/A
Fix Versions: N/A
StoryPoints: N/A
Attachments: N/A